Testing for Public Safety, LLC
dba IPSP
About us
Testing for Public Safety, LLC (TPS) is a privately owned consulting firm located in Indianapolis. TPS began providing testing services for public safety departments in Indiana over 25 years ago. In that time, our client base has expanded across the nation residing in a variety of rural and urban settings. We now work with over 150 departments ranging from 5 to 1500 employees. Jeffrey Savitsky J.D., Ph.D. established the Institute for Public Safety Personnel, Inc. (IPSP) in 1993, and Amy Emerson was the first newly hired employee. Upon Dr. Savitsky’s retirement in 2015, Amy assumed leadership of the organization, and our registered name is now Testing for Public Safety, LLC. We continue to provide entry-level and promotion testing for our steady client base, with new additions every year.
What We Offer
- Testing that identifies candidates with job relevant skills
- Fair and objective evaluations
- Most-qualified candidates tend to succeed
- Job analyses ensure test validation
- One-on-one consultation services provided on every project
- Consultations are ongoing
- Customize testing for your department
- Focus on customer-service
- Candidate orientations upon request
- Extensive scoring, statistical and record keeping
- Database tracking individual candidate test scores
- Test score records maintained indefinitely
- Extensive statistical analyses for test evaluation
- Test and documentation security are a top priority
- Testing that is well-received by administrative staff and candidates
- Feedback from candidates is overwhelmingly positive
- Union members support the structured testing process
- Frequent referrals by satisfied customers
Who We Are
Amy Emerson – Director
Erin Smallwood – Project Manager
Chris Cramer – Project Manager/Data Analyst
Lindsay Shean – Project Manager
Diana Collins – Project Administration
Our team includes doctorate and masters level consultants, professional test proctors, and experienced ranking members of law enforcement and firefighting organizations.